Saturday, June 7, 2014

APLE Lies & Corruption

APLE, Action Pour les Enfants, is starting to come under the national and international spotlight. With Somaly Mam's recent fraud, lies and embezzlement coming out, leading her to resign last week, APLE and all of their staff must certainly know that their past and current fraud, lies and embezzlement are now under the microscope.

APLE is the next to be fully exposed. And many APLE staff will face criminal charges and end up in the very prisons that they have wrongfully sent numerous foreigners. Those foreigners will likely welcome them in ways they might fear.

Thierry Darnaudet, Samleang Seila, Yi Moden and many others are under close eye and investigation currently. Their same tactics are being used on them and their staff, and most importantly their high-level government connections.

A big surprise is about to knock on their door. The horror that they will all face is imminent.

Article on Somaly Mam:

Friday, April 25, 2014

APLE/ACTT Witness Tampering & Illegal Activities

The following are excerpts from our investigation files. Listed below are a few examples of illegal, corrupt, unjust and wrongful acts or behavior of APLE Cambodia (Action Pour les Enfants), ACTT Calcutta (All Children Together Trust), Thierry Darnaudet and his highly paid, poorly educated staff. Due to confidentiality and cases under further investigation, we are unable to reveal; names, specific locations, witnesses, supporting evidence, graphic details etc until brought before the courts.

• Numerous counts of corruption and embezzlement

• Tax evasion

• Misuse of trustee and donor funds

• Inciting the press

• Defamation

• Slander

• Entrapment

• Physical abuse

• Sexual abuse

• Illegal detention of children (under Article 37 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child)

• Denying visitation for the parents of  detained children (Article 82 not only gives the parents rights to visit their children, but also to reside with them when and if they so choose)

• Forcing child labor while child "witnesses" are being detained (violation of Article 24)

• Bribing families to lie (very common!)

• Not paying the bribes they promised (this is what has revealed the bribes, families are stepping forward with their complaints now)

• Harassment. Continually revisiting "witnesses" and scaring, lying, threatening or trying to bribe them. We have 3 child "witnesses" on video giving testimonial of the above APLE behavior. This is illegal once the court investigation phase is complete. This is called WITNESS TAMPERING and CRIMINAL HARASSMENT.

• Denying the family rights of the children to hire their own attorney. This is illegal. Who has more rights: the parents, or APLE/ACTT?

This is just a portion of some of the wrongdoing of APLE, ACTT, Thierry Darnaudet and his employees.

The only solution is bringing in a committee to completely restructure the organizations, oust those who are breaking the law, and implement appropriate LEGAL and JUST forms of child protection and advocacy.

The child "witnesses" are merely a pawn in their profiteering game. Once they have gotten, or unable to get what they want, the children are set free, never to be contacted again by APLE or ACTT... Unless they want to pay them and the families to set up, usually, a false case with entrapment.

Thierry Darnaudet with one of his partners

More to come.....

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stop APLE's Child Profiteering

Is asking a child to lie wrong?

Is asking a child to act as a prostitute wrong?

Is bribing a family to lie wrong?

Is putting innocent people in prison wrong?

Is using a child until they're not needed any more wrong?

Is child profiteering wrong?

yes, Yes, YEs, YES, YES!, YES!!!

Wrong, very wrong. APLE, Action Pour les Enfants is GUILTY of all the above.

Absolutely Guilty.

ACTT Calcutta is no better, or at least the founder is no better.

Paedophilia is WRONG. But APLE and ACTT is really not tackling this issue. If they were tackling this issue they would be nabbing all the nasty native offenders throughout Cambodia and India. But catching offenders is not their real agenda. Catching money is. There is no money in catching native offenders, and that's why they don't care about them. APLE and ACTT turn a blind eye on native offenders unless their hands are forced.

When talking about catching foreign child sex offenders, the founder of APLE and ACTT, Mr. Thierry Darnaudet called it a "Niche Market".

Really? A "Niche" "Market"??? I'm sure he wishes he wouldn't have spoken those words now. Thankfully that allowed some to start to see that:

1) It's a business, not a non-profit and non-government organization.

2) The foundational purpose (to stop child sex offenders) is not their fundamental purpose, otherwise they could and would easily catch mass amounts of native sex offending monsters.

3) It's all about making a name, and making a living. Indeed a very good living for him and anyone he employs.

Instead, Mr. Thierry Darnaudet saw a way to make a living and make a name for himself in his search to find meaning in life. A life that he has masked, but occasionally has slipped and shown his true colors. Colors that show he does not really care about children (Otherwise at 50 years old, maybe he would have married by now, had children or adopted children of his own?). Instead he has physically and sexually abused children and tries to sweep it under the rug when he slips.

Our findings, Mr. Thierry Darnaudet has masked himself under this cause to cover his own dirty secret life. He is truly a monster, a child abuser and a paedophile.


Les organisations qui travaillent pour arrêter l'exploitation des enfants, doivent être 100% non coupable d'exploiter les enfants eux-mêmes qu'ils prétendent être aider. Aide Stop "Exploitation Mercantilisme"
- Avocat Action

बाल शोषण को रोकने के लिए काम कर रहे संगठनों, वे मदद करने का दावा बहुत बच्चों का शोषण करने का दोषी नहीं 100% होना चाहिए. मदद बंद "शोषण मुनाफाखोरी"
- अधिवक्ता लड़ाई

শিশু শোষণ বন্ধ করার জন্য কাজ সংগঠন, তারা সাহায্য করা দাবি খুব শিশুদের পরশ্রমজীবী ​​দোষী না 100% হতে হবে. সাহায্য বন্ধ করুন "শোষণ লাভ" - অ্যাডভোকেট এক্সন

المنظمات التي تعمل علي وقف استغلال الاطفال، يجب ان تكون %100 غير مذنبة او متورطه في استغلال الاطفال الذين يدعون انهم يساعدونهم. ساعد في وقف " الاستغلال

Las organizaciones que trabajan para detener la explotación de los niños, deben ser 100% no culpable de la explotación de los mismos niños que dicen estar ayudando.
Ayuda a detener la "Especulación Explotación"
-Acción Defensora

Organisationer, der arbejder for at stoppe udnyttelse af børn, skal være 100% ikke skyldige i at udnytte de børn, de hævder at hjælpe. Hjælp Stop "Udnyttelse af børn"
 - Advocate Action

Organizzazioni che lavorano per fermare lo sfruttamento dei minori, devono essere al 100% non colpevole di sfruttare gli stessi bambini che sostengono di essere di aiuto.
Aiuto Stop "Exploitation speculazione"
- L'avvocato Azione

Organisationen, die gegen die Ausbeutung von Kindern kämpfen, dürfen keinesfalls im Verdacht stehen, gerade diese Kinder, für deren Schutz sie einzutreten behaupten, selbst auzubeuten. Helfen sie "ausbeuterische Geschäftemacherei" zu stoppen.
- Advocate Action

Organisaties die op uitbuiting te stoppen, moet 100% niet schuldig aan het benutten van de zeer kinderen ze beweren te helpen zijn. Help Stop "Exploitatie Profiteering" - Advocaat-Actie

Organisationer som arbetar för att stoppa utnyttjandet av barn måste vara 100% oskyldiga till utnyttjandet av de barn de påstår sig hjälpa. Hjälp oss att stoppa "Vinstdrivande exploatering" -Advocate Action

Organizations working to stop child exploitation, must be 100% not guilty of exploiting the very children they claim to be helping.
Help Stop "Exploitation Profiteering"
- Advocate Action

아동 노동력 착취를 멈추기 위해 일하는 저희 단체는 아동 노동력 착취가 100% 유죄이어야 하며 
우리가 그 아이들을 도와주어야 한다고 주장합니다. "부당한 착취"를 멈출수 있게 도와주세요.
-아동변호 위원회-

องค์กรที่ทำงานเพื่อหยุดการแสวงหาผลประโยชน์จากเด็กอย่างไม่ถูกต้องนั้น จะต้องไม่มีความผิดจากการแสวงหาผลประโยชน์จากเด็กที่พวกเขาเรียกร้องให้ช่วย 100%
ช่วยหยุด "การแสวงหาผลประโยช์การค้ากำไรที่ไม่ถูกต้อง" 
អង្គការធ្វើការដើម្បីបញ្ឈប់ការកេងប្រវ័ញ្ចកុមារត្រូវតែ មិនមានកំហុស 100% នៃការកេងប្រវ័ញ្ចកុមារ ដែលពួកគេទៀមទារចង់បានការសប្បាយ។ ជួយបញ្ឈប់ "ការកេងប្រវ័ញ្ចឆ្លៀតរកប្រាក់ចំណេញ" - សកម្មភាពការគាំទ្រ

Tổ chức làm việc để ngăn chặn lạm dụng trẻ em, phải được 100% không có tội khai thác trẻ em rất họ yêu cầu để được giúp đỡ.
Giúp Stop "Khai thác trục lợi"
- Vận động hành động


児童搾取を停止するために取り組んでいる組織は、彼らが助けであると主張する非常に子供を悪用するという罪を犯していない100パーセントでなければなりません。 助け停止」搾取暴利」
- 支持者のアクション

The answer?

For a committee to step in, thoroughly investigate APLE and ACTT. Restructure, implement legal, proper methods, and ensure that the children that are claimed to be the focus of protection are indeed protected.

The children used by APLE and ACTT are being exploited in so many ways, it is really very very sad.

Our team will prepare some examples to show you the true heart of these two organizations in our next blog.

More to come.....

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thierry Darnaudet - Friend or Foe 2 Children?

50 year old Thierry Darnaudet of APLE Cambodia and ACTT Calcutta, India has quite a track record. Hiding behind the excuse "They're trying to set me up," the time has come for this terror to face his demons.

The more our investigative teams uncover about this man (monster), the more outraged I get. And I'm VERY outraged at the moment, having listened to a young boy's story about him a few hours ago.

There are a lot of rumors about this man, but each rumor we investigate, we find it is TRUTH. The more I want to tell myself that it's not possible, evidence of the possible drops in our laps. At first I couldn't believe all of the reports we were receiving and I maintained my "evidence, or the lack thereof, will prove or disprove the accusations" theory.

I must step out of my professional mannerism, so please forgive me, it's time to bring this monster down. He has masqueraded and paraded under the "save the children" banner long enough!

To the point - FACT:

1999 - Misconduct (still under deeper investigation) at Mother Theresa's Project in Calcutta, India where he was terminated from his volunteer position

2004 - Abuse of a child in Cambodia, that was swept under the rug. Thankfully not all documentation was destroyed

2007 - Abuse of a child in his ACTT Calcutta, India children's home, where he slept in a room near the children. This incident was reported first by the little boy's sister and at the time no charges were pursued out of fear. He nearly beat the small boy to death

2007 - Thierry Darnaudet leaves his bedroom at the ACTT children's home, checks into a 5-star hotel where he tried to commit suicide (Why?! Well, we know now)

2010 - Thierry Darnaudet investigated for child abuse in Cambodia, again

2012 - Thierry Darnaudet abuses one of his younger APLE staff (as much as I would like to disclose what we have uncovered about this, I'm not at liberty to do so at the moment)

All of which was quickly silenced by his teams. Well, we already have quite a few who have stepped out of the woodwork. Most of them still in fear for their lives. As we collectively and carefully put the cases together, we have offered these children and young adults protection.

Here's a face to the name, Thierry Darnaudet:

Are our teams afraid of this man and his organizations, after all of the threats and harassment we've heard about? Not at all. Their time has finally come.

More to come.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Additional APLE Team & Partners

We are very thankful for the help in building our database. You are saving us a lot of surveillance leg-work, sitting and waiting. Thank you!

As a reminder: Any information you send our teams will remain strictly anonymous. Thank you for your continued help.

Here are a few more that we need further information on:

More to come.....

Monday, April 14, 2014

More APLE Team & Partners

Thank you for the responses and further information about APLE of Cambodia & ACTT of Calcutta. Please continue passing on as much detailed information that you have to our teams. Thank you for emailing us photos of part of their ring. We acknowledge that many of the team and partners are not fully aware of the depths of corruption, deceit, lies and embezzlement, although they certainly know that there are countless allegations against APLE and their counterparts. Many have been masked with 'the cause,' unfortunately some have traded their conscious in exchange for occasionally getting a guilty person convicted, while the majority are wrongfully profiled and convicted. We applaud former country director Katherine Keane of Action Pour les Enfants (APLE), for resigning over her conscious, forced to lie in her regular reports.

I would like to add a note from me personally, but the view also shared by our teams... Child Sexual Abuse, Child Exploitation and Child Profiteering are heinous. I would say in that particular order as well. That being said, the three can not and should not work together. APLE & ACTT are just a portion of the organizations we are currently investigating. Although, too many reports about APLE, that have been found to have merit, are going unnoticed. However, our teams have uncovered much evidence on these reports and have come to an obvious conclusion that the reports not only have merit, but need to be brought into the light. No organization, no matter the root of the cause, has the right to profile, stigmatize, entrap, demean, push for convictions with no evidence, bribe families of the 'victims,' scare, lie to, or harass the children they claim to be protecting, detain the children against the will of the families, bribe officials, nor profit in substantial ways from the livelihood of the children that are simply dismissed and forgotten after the organization gets what they want from them. So far, 13 separate interviews have revealed that 11 of those interviewed, families of the child 'victims,' were promised large sums of money (for local standards, $500-$10,000 is a lot of money)... and 11 out of those 11 never saw $1. Cheated and deceived, these families are willing to step forward in a class action lawsuit against APLE for human trafficking and relevant charges.

So, how about the president and founder of APLE, 50 year old Thierry Darnaudet of Dax, France? He currently resides in Calcutta, India, his 'safe haven.' But often embarks on luxury holidays, alone, checking into high-end resorts and hotels, often times under different names or spelling variations of his actual name (evidence collected thus far - photos and scans of the guest registration cards/book filled out by Darnaudet's own hand in most cases. I can't imagine how he could forget how to spell his own name or forget it all together). Thierry Darnaudet pictured below, on the way out the door to go to a rave at a nightclub in March 2014 with one of his partners.

Here's part of Thierry Darnaudet's travels the past two months:

April 14, 2014 - Israel
April 11, 2014 - Jordan
April 3, 2014 - Lebanon
March 26, 2014 - Cyprus
March 23, 2014 - Paradise Island, Egypt
March 14, 2014 - Dubai
March 8, 2014 - Bab el Luk, Egypt
Most of latter February was spent in and around Calcutta - Patron of high-profile restaurants and clubs. Occasional hotel stays in Calcutta (investigating the reason for that, as to why he didn't stay at his nearby residence).
February 1st to 8th, 2014 - Goa, India. Luxury stay and transportation, parachuting, fine dining and clubbing (primarily late night patron at Shiva Valley Beach Bar, Thierry's personal favorite for night parties - a popular rave and drug scene).
All of his travel and stays included 3-5 star accommodation, transportation and dining. Certainly far above his noted salary. Questionable? Certainly.

Back to the others at APLE, below are some pictures of staff and partners. We appreciate all the information you can pass us on about these individuals:

More to come.....

Some of APLE's Team & Partners

APLE wants to remain a business ("non-profit organization"), but it's time they begin to be exposed.

If you would like a list of names, office and home addresses, mobile numbers, transportation type and plaque (plate) numbers, please contact us.

Once we verify your identity and purpose we will email you our reports. In your email - please include your full name, location, phone number, email address and some other credentials such as social networking links, place of work etc.

If you have any details about any individuals pictured below, please inform us so we can add and/or update the details in our database.

We have most personal details on the individuals pictured above, but are seeking further intel.

More to come.....